Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year
Posted on 09/01/2023

COVID/Safety Protocol Reminders

  • The OCDSB/SRB is a mask-friendly environment and we will continue to follow local/provincial guidance around COVID-safety protocols.

  • All students should complete the daily Daily Screening Tool for Schools before coming to school each day.  Students and families should follow the screening tool recommendations to determine if you are able to attend school for the day.

  • If a student develops primary COVID symptoms while at school, parents will be contacted for student pickup.  

Secondary ASD Program
For students in our ASD Program, teachers will reach out ahead of the September 5, 2023 start date with additional information.

Grade 7-8 Only

  • School runs from 8:50am - 3:20pm daily.  

8:50 - 9:00      Transition/Locker Time
9:00 - 11:00    First Learning Block
11:00 - 11:40    Nutrition break
11:40 -1:40    Second Learning Block
1:40 - 2:20    Nutrition break
2:20 – 3:20    Third Learning Block

  • Grade 7-8 Homeroom Teachers will be in contact by the end of the day on Friday Sept 1 with specific information about the first day to introduce themselves, welcome students, indicate class locations, designated entry/exit in the school.  

  • On the first day, students will line up outside on the basketball courts between the portables and the main building (back of the school).  Staff will be present and eager to help your child find their appropriate line.  

  • There is no supervision for students before 8:35 am.  We encourage students to arrive between 8:35-8:50  so that they are in time for class.  Students must be in class for 9:00.

  • We encourage you over the coming days to walk your child to school to help them navigate if you feel your child would benefit from this, instead of accompanying your child on the first day. If you do need to drop your child off at school, please walk-a-block to avoid traffic congestion and we encourage you to drop your child off in nearby neighbourhoods.  

  • Grade 7-8 students will have an orientation with their classrooms to tour the intermediate student spaces, do icebreaker activities and get to know other students in the class on the first day.  Grade 7-8 students will also get their subject schedules from the homeroom teacher and explain how class rotation works.

  • What to bring on the first day: Backpack, litterless lunch, three ring binder, paper, pencil or pen.  By the end of the week and ongoing teachers will request additional items as needed. Returning students will bring their SRB locks for their lockers

  • Lockers - If you do not have a combination lock (i.e. new grade 7 students) - please purchase a combination lock and practice opening it ahead of the first day of school, and bring it with you on the first day.  Returning students can use their old SRB lock or bring a new combination lock.  We do have a small number of repurposed SRB locks for 5$, or new locks for 10$ available on School Cash online.  Locker assignments will be given out by the homeroom teacher on the first day of school.  Students are not allowed to use key locks, or share their locker with another person.  They are not allowed to give their combination to another person. 

  • Students eat lunch/snacks in the cafeteria, supervised by staff.  

  • Students should be prepared for all weather conditions as we do go outside rain or shine. 

  • Students should come to school with lunch/snacks, and a water bottle each day.  

  • Presto passes for eligible students will be distributed by homeroom teachers.  They must be registered for ease of replacement if lost.

  • SRB Intermediate 7-8 is a cell phone free zone for students during the instructional day (8:50-3:20). There is a dedicated phone for students in the office to call home in case of emergency during break time.  We have lots of chromebooks available for student learning during the day. 

  • Grade 7-8 students must stay on school property during the instructional day.

Grade 9-12 Only

  • School runs from 9:00am-3:08pm daily. 

8:45-9:00     Student arrival
9:00-10:15    Block A Class
10:15-10:23   transition 
10:23-11:38  Block B class    
11:38-12:30  Lunch
12:30-1:45    Block C class
1:45-1:53     transition
1:53-3:08     Block D class
3:08 - High School Dismissal 

  • High school students have a Day1/Day 2 schedule.  

    • Day 1: Odd calendar days (A, B, C, D)    

    • Day 2: Even calendar days (B, A, D, C)

  • Grade 9 students will start the day by finding their Period 1 Homeroom class.  Welcome crew students will be visiting Period 1 homeroom classes and picking up students to do some orientation activities together, then bringing students to their lockers, and helping students find their Period 2 class.  At lunch, grade 9 students are welcome to eat in the cafeteria.  In the afternoon, grade 9’s will attend their regular Block C and D class.

  • Timetables:  Grade 9-12 students should receive an e-mail from their Period 1 homeroom teacher indicating the room to go to on the first day of school (this email should come by the end of the day on Friday Sept 1). 

    • There will also be alphabetical lists with the period 1 homeroom location in the foyer and outside the main office. When students arrive at 8:45, they can also check these lists and proceed to class before 9:00. 

    • There will be staff available on the first day of school to help direct students to class. 

    • All students will get their timetables from their period 1 teacher once in class.

  • Timetable Changes:  Students are expected to attend all classes on their timetable. There will be no timetable changes on the first day of school.  The timetable change request process will be communicated by Student Services to students next week. Priority will be on changes from summer school, pathway changes for post-secondary, and any errors. Students must continue to follow their timetable until a guidance counselor provides a new schedule.

  • Lockers:  All lockers are pre-assigned by grade zone.  Students will be grouped together by grade. Students can bring their existing SRB lock, or bring their own combination lock (no key locks allowed).  Please bring your lock with you on the first day to school.  Additional locks are available for purchase in the  main office (payment through school cash online).  Students are not allowed to share lockers or provide their combination to another student for safety and security reasons.  

  • Students on spare/e-learning:  Senior students who have a spare or e-learning course should work in the library or lower foyer on their course work.

  • Lunch: Grade 9-12 may eat their lunch in the cafeteria, foyers, locker bays or they are welcome to go off property at lunch. Students must return to school property in time for their afternoon class.  A reminder that students must also extend respectful and kind behaviour off of school property as well as within the school.  Students are expected to clean up after themselves as well.

  • Cafeteria Services:  Chartwells (the cafeteria 3rd party provider) is hopeful that they will be able to open by mid-to-late September.  We will announce it to students once it is open.

All students (Grade 7-12)

Student Arrival/Drop-Off

  • We encourage students to walk or bike to school where possible.  We ask that parents/guardians limit dropping off their children to school and use nearby neighbourhood drop off/pickup locations to avoid congestion where possible especially during the beginning/end of the school day.  

  • For students that bike to school, students must lock up their bike on the bike racks at the front of the school.  There are cameras for security however the school cannot be responsible for any bikes that are lost/stolen.

  • Pick-up at the end of the school day is at the back of the school.  The front circle is prioritized/reserved for OSTA/School Bus and Van transportation at the end of the day.  We encourage you to make alternative arrangements at the end of the day for your child to walk a block; otherwise please head to the back parking lot for pickup to avoid congestion and prioritize safety for OSTA transportation vehicles.

Student attendance leads to success

  • Every instructional day is important for student learning.  We have a collective responsibility as staff, parents, and students to help ensure that students attend regularly and arrive to class on time to promote student success. 

  • Families and students are asked to ensure that you leave enough time in the morning to arrive at school, get your materials, and be in class prior to the 9:00 start.  

  • A copy of the elementary and secondary school year calendars are linked.  Please avoid booking holidays during school instructional days. 

  • The summative/exam period for high school students is also part of regular attendance.  Students are expected to be able to attend school on these days.  Families should not be booking vacations during this time.

Student Absences

  • When students are away from school because of an illness, they may work on school work if they are able to by checking their teacher’s Google Classroom/Learning Management System for the posted work/topics/tasks.  This does not replace in-person teaching and is meant to help organize assigned work for all students.

  • If your child will be away from school, please e-mail [email protected] to report the absence (name of your child, grade and the reason for the absence).  Doing this in advance is greatly appreciated. 

  • Grade 9-12 students who miss 15 consecutive classes without a valid documented reason are required to be removed from the class per Ministry of Education regulations.  Daily attendance is vital to your success. 

  • For any prolonged/extended absences beyond your control, parents are asked to discuss this with their school vice-principal in advance.

Late Arrivals and Sign Out’s

  • If a student is late to school and arrives before 9:15am, they can go directly to their homeroom.  Their teacher will record the late arrival.  After 9:15am, students need to sign in at the main office.

  • Should you need to pick up your child early, please make arrangements ahead of time.  We want to prioritize learning time and avoid calling into classrooms.  Please send a note to [email protected] and copy the appropriate teachers.  You may arrange to pickup your child out front at the prearranged time.  Please phone when you arrive so we may release your child once you are here.  

  • Students must sign out if they are leaving school early; and if arriving back they must sign back in at the main office. If a student is signed out they cannot be on school property. 

School Resource Return
Please check to see If you have any SRB or OCDSB resources at home  (books, chromebooks, school athletic jerseys, etc.)  Please bring them to school on the first days of school where you can drop them off in the main office. Chromebooks and chargers should be returned to the main office or library.

Voluntary Student activity fees/School Cash Online
SRB uses cashless payment for school sports, field trips, voluntary student activity fees, etc.  Please sign up if you have not already done so here.   The SRB voluntary student activity fee is $20 for 2023-2024.  This helps student clubs run extra-curricular activities school wide, student council events, intramurals and athletics, Welcome crew, and the library commons. These activities contribute to our school climate and student well being. 

This past summer we had some windows and doors replaced, as well as some of our roof. We will have a couple of classrooms with work still being completed, and some exterior work being done in the coming weeks at the front of the school.  These areas will be zoned off and not accessible to students.


Transportation/OSTA Update
The parent portal is now open.  Please visit ottawaschoolbus.ca for families that will be using student transportation.  Families using OC Transpo should also look for any possible bus route changes. Students eligible for a Presto pass (>1.6km in Grade 7-8 or >3.2 km in Grade 9-12) will receive this in the first week of school.

For Senior students who drive, remember that parking at SRB is a privilege - slow and safe driving is required at all times.


*** Important Forms to Complete ***
A reminder that parents/guardians need to complete these forms each school year for each child in OCDSB schools.
Media/School Website Permission Form
Student Science Lab Safety Agreement
Appropriate Use of Technology Agreement  - grade 7 and 9 only
Plan of Care for students with Life-Threatening-Medical-Conditions - only as needed
Concussion Code of Conduct for Parents  - for Grade ⅞ athlete tryouts
Concussion Code of Conduct for Students - for Grade ⅞ athlete tryouts

SRB School Council
Across Ontario, School Councils provide an opportunity for parents and guardians to consult on matters related to their respective schools. School Councils advise the Principal and District School Board on specific issues of school operations. The SRB School Council will reconvene on Tuesday, September 19th. At the September 19th SRB School Council meeting, elections will be held for positions on the 2023-2024 SRB School Council. If you are interested in running for a position please contact me. Additional Council information will be communicated in the upcoming weeks.

School Accident Insurance:
Please see the following message from the OCDSB regarding student accident insurance:
Creating a caring and safe environment for our students is our top priority. Unfortunately, despite all reasonable precautions being taken, accidents can still happen. Some injuries may result in medical, dental or other expenses that are not covered by provincial health care or employer group plans. As a parent/guardian, you become responsible for these expenses.
The OCDSB does not provide student accident insurance coverage for student injuries.  Student accident insurance is available for purchase, on a voluntary basis.  Parents may apply online at  Insure My Kids or call 1-800-463-5437.
The OCDSB encourages all parents/guardians to consider purchasing accident insurance or student accident insurance for incidents that may not be covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) or any additional medical plans they have. The accident insurance coverage options range from $17.00/year to $33.00/year. This coverage is for the entire calendar year and also applies to accidents that occur outside of school hours. If you have any questions, please call Binks Insurance Brokers directly at 613-226-1350.

SRB Admin Team and Student Support Team
Vice-Principal - Grade 7-8 - John Ioannou
Vice-Principal - Grade 9-12   A-K - Karl Carey
Vice Principal - Grade 9-12   L-Z - Christine Rankin 
Guidance -  Grade 9-12   A-K   Susan Griffin   
                   Grade 9-12   L-Z    Mark Mullins  
Learning Support Teacher - Grade 7-8    Valerie Steed 
                                            Grade 9-12  Michael Hull 

 Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school main office in the interim at 613-829-5320.   

Finally, as a learning community, we are committed to continuing our work on equity and inclusion during the new school year.  As a school we are committed to ensuring all our learning spaces are safe and free from harassment, bullying, hate, and discrimination, and that all identities are welcomed and accepted at our school. As always, students can report concerns to any staff member, or use the OCDSB Anonymous Reporting Tool.  This year our focus as a school is on kindness, engagement, and responsibility. 

We look forward to welcoming all our students back to school on Tuesday September 5. 

Matt Gagnier
Principal of SRB

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