Parent email Monday, August 28, 2023

Parent Email Monday, August 28, 2023
Posted on 08/29/2023

Good afternoon SRB Families

I hope that this e-mail finds you well.  I know that the beginning of the year is filled with lots of excitement and questions.  The main office has returned to work this week, and teaching staff will be returning to work this Friday for a PA Day.  We will be providing a detailed update on school start-up later this week. 

In the meantime, to help the school prepare for the school year, we are asking that all parents fill out each of the following forms for their children:

Media/School Website Permission Form
Student Science Lab Safety Agreement
Appropriate Use of Technology Agreement - grade 7 and 9 students/families only
(Plan of Care for students with Life-Threatening-Medical-Conditions - only if your child has a life threatening medical condition

Voluntary school fees are also available on School Cash Online. This helps our school run student events, activities, and provides assistance to students during the school year. Please login to school cash online and create an account if you have not already done so - all fee collection for school is done through school cash online. More information available here.  

Lockers - This year we will be allowing students to purchase/bring their own combination lock (if you do not already have a school lock).   Incoming grade 7 families can purchase a combination lock themselves and practice opening it this week ahead of school.  (No key locks allowed).   There are also school locks available for purchase through School Cash online.  Lockers will be pre-assigned for all students, and students will get their locker location on the first day of school.  

Grade 7-8 - Extracurricular Sports and Intramurals - If your Grade 7-8 child is interested in trying out for extracurricular sports and/or playing school intramurals during breaks, grade 7-8 parents and students need to fill out the following forms.
Concussion Code of Conduct for Parents 
Concussion Code of Conduct for Students

Grade 7-8 Homeroom teachers will be connecting with families by the end of day on Friday, September 1st, 2023.  

Grade 9-12 Yearbook has returned - Grade 9-12 families can find the link on School Cash Online to order your yearbook. The Yearbook fee is in your students' School Cash account. If you haven't done so already, please set up an account by visiting

Moved over the summer/change in contact info - If you have moved over the summer, please complete the change of address form. If you have changes to other information (e-mail, phone number) please contact the school. 

Preliminary information on school startup was sent out at the end of June and is available on the SRB Website.   More information to come by Thursday afternoon this week.  The first day of school for all SRB students is Tuesday September 5.  We look forward to welcoming you back to school next week. 

Thank you,
Matt Gagnier
Proud Principal of SRB

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