Grade 9 Math at Sir Robert Borden: Which Math to Take?

Your first big decision prior to grade 9 will be to decide which mathematics program you are best suited for. Most students choose between Applied and Academic. While both courses have roughly the same mathematical content, the approaches diverge quite quickly.
NEW: In 2009/20010, SRB will be offering LDCC Math in grade 9 (Locally Developed Credit Course). This course is designed for students who have significant gaps in their math learning from grade 8, or who have modified programs. The goal is to provide a pathway for these students to successfully achieve the three math credits required for graduation. For more information on this course, please contact our guidance department.
Making the correct choice now will enhance your chances of being successful in math, and make your time at SRB much more enjoyable.
If the following describes you, then you should consider taking grade 9 Applied Math: MFM 1P
  • Need more repetition, hands-on activities, manipulatives and visuals,
  • Want to know how … not necessarily why
  • Need familiar contexts to understand problems or help along the way
  • Need to use a calculator to perform basic operations
  • Are an inductive thinker – discover through experiments - rather than reading or listening.
  • Like to focus on fewer main ideas and want to focus on basic skills and concepts
  • Do not enjoy abstract reasoning


If the following describes you, then you should select grade 9 academic Math: MPM 1D
  •  Want thorough coverage of the material, and need little repetition
  • Learn from reading and traditional approaches, and are ready for abstract reasoning
  • Enjoy new problems in a variety of contexts
  • Are a deductive thinker and are able to apply and extend concepts
  • Appreciate the difference between a hypothesis and a conclusion
  • Need to know why rather than just how to do something
  • Use technology to learn, apply and extend thinking ... not just to get an answer


What if you make the ‘wrong’ choice?
A few students switch from one course to another in the first semester, but sometimes changes are not possible because of timetabling issues. If is possible to switch from grade 9 Academic to Grade 10 Applied in grade 10. It is more difficult to switch from grade 9 Applied to Grade 10 Academic. This requires making up significant material - we recommend taking the grade 9 Academic course (sometimes at summer school).
However, consider the following when making choices:
  • Grade 9 Academic Math will prepare students better for grade 10 Academic Math, and
  • Grade 9 Applied Math will prepare students better for grade 10 Applied Math.

These courses diverge even more and lead to a variety of destinations in University or College. It is important that you consider destinations before making a course selection.

Hopefully, this will assist you with your long term planning. If you have more questions, please consult one of the Mathematics teachers at Sir Robert Borden.
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